Tuesday, March 15, 2011

industrialized farming

Industrialized farming definite has some negative affects. The children of the United States have some of the highest average obese levels in the world. Almost everything we eat that is mass produced has corn or soy beans in it. Animals that aren't designed to eat corn are being fed corn and it's causing diseases to become prevalent. This has caused deaths in the country, but there is a way to reverse it! If we unite and and make a pact to only eat organic, non mass produced foods, then those companies will soon go out of business. Everyday we can help reverse this by simply choosing more carefully what you pay for and support.


I support the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana. If we look to the past to the alcohol prohibition, what was the direct result? The result showed that prohibition does not work. Tons of money is spent every year fighting this drug war and the majority of the time is taken up by marijuana. If marijuana was legalized, all this money could either be saved and used for other things, or be used to fight other more destructive drugs. The fact that marijuana is the number one cash crop in the United States proves that the prohibition is not working. This fact also brings up the possibility that if marijuana was legalized, a tax could be placed and marijuana could actually generate a lot of money for the United States.
Money is not the only issue when dealing with marijuana. It is also important to look at the affects on the users. It is a fact that there has never been a direct death caused by marijuana. Tobacco kills over 400,000 people per year, yet it is legal. Although it would not be a wise decision to smoke, it should still be left to the people to decide what they want to do. People are going to use it regardless of what the law says, so I believe too many resources are being used for this little problem.

soy- estrogen

I believe that soy is okay to eat, but should just be consumed moderately. Due to the unknown side effects of soy, I think that as long as you don't go overboard with it, you will be fine. Anything, even water can be bad for you in excessive amounts. The information that leads me to this conclusion comes from http://www.drlam.com/opinion/soyandestrogen.asp